This series contains ledger sheets which document income and expenses of students enrolled at the Haskell Institute. Many list the monetary transactions without explanation while others have remarks explaining expenditures. For the years 1908 - 1918 there are three sets of sheets with overlapping dates.
The ledger sheets dated 1908 - 1918 contain income and expense information including name, date, item (check or cash), folio number, debit, credit, and balance.
The sheets dated 1918 - 1943 provide individual account information including name, date of birth, date of transaction, official receipt number source of funds, check number, bank on which drawn, reference, amount of receipt or payment, balance, and remarks. The remarks column details the purpose of the withdrawal (i.e., clothes, laundry, transportation, outing, and other incidental expenses incurred by the student).
The ledger sheets dated 1944 - 1949 record the name, agency, date of birth, and account number. The date of each transaction is noted as is the amount of deposit or withdrawal, the balance after each transaction, the voucher number, and a reference to the type of transaction. After April 1, 1949, accounts with balances were transferred to new accounts.
The sheets dated 1949 - 1956 contain information including name, agency, date of birth, degree of Indian blood, post office address, account number, sheet number, and sex. Account information includes previous balance, date, document number, description, debit or credit, and balance.